Becoming into Abjection

ari2.jpgFirst of all, an empty shell.

This is how the modern world presupposes that we“re thrown into it, in the Hegelian presupposition that there“re no presuppositions and that philosophers and writers have now a free way out of their dreams, hued utopias after the fashion of Kafka and Bloch. We“re thrown into a world where we“re able to choose a free place, that is, every place where we haven“t been thrown against of our own will. Every self-designated place is free, all designated places are not free. We acquire the mother tongue and the "mothern" tongue as well, the language of advertising, highly flanėur and sexual. There“re no traditions, only empty space under our feet. The abject is right outside the traditional symbolic order, it is necessarily violent and resides outside the cultural sphere. We must abject an origin whatsoever in order to construct an identity, to become uncannily foreign and thus mute, silent language is always traumatic.


ari3.jpgThe commonplace content

Yet there is everyday content, the most basic reflexes that we“re born into. Content that is not abstract yet symbolic. Ancestral faiths tied or not to certainl lands or to any worlds. The vice of remembering, literature we learnt as a children, the first experiences of physicality, ideas about the universe, fetishism. For me, religion absolutely, the notion of the afterlife, Greek aesthetics, monotheistic law, expensive wool and cloth, theology and physics. 






ari4.jpgWhat we“re becoming: Less religious and more faithful, absolutely more violent in the most aesthetic possible sense of European tragedy, hygienically modest, tape for the mouth, a Jew explores the body of a skinhead and finds it all too delectable. Exposure to other cultures without proselytism of any kind, not even against oneself. 









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